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Oh, My Health...There Is Hope!

Feb 27, 2020

What is your story of hope? …

“Change your life for the better with enhanced blood flow.”

Are you living your best holistic life?

Learn about BEMER Vascular Therapy from an MD.

Did you know?

BEMER improves vasomotion in your 74,000 miles of capillaries so your body can heal itself.

In this episode, host Jana Short...

Feb 24, 2020

What is your story of hope? …

“Lets chat CBD.”

Are you living your best holistic life?

CBD oils have a stigma attached to them that sometimes steers people away.

Did you know?

CBD can come in many forms including cream to apply to troublesome areas with proving results.

In this episode, host Jana Short speaks with...

Feb 20, 2020

There is hope in every diagnosis and in every diagnosis there is wellness. In this episode, host Jana Short speaks with Casey Piatt and they discuss a rare genetic disorder and her life story she hopes will impact others.

What is your story of hope? …

It is American Heart Health Month.

Are you living your best...

Feb 17, 2020

You have to keep going and reaching for your goals in life. In this episode, host Jana Short speaks with Stephanie Nock who is The Burnout Doctor and they discuss her story of hope and how setting goals can help you achieve more in life.

What is your story of hope? …

All of us have goals in our life that we want...

Feb 13, 2020

There are many habit driven behaviors that we have every day and one of these has to do with our diet. In this episode, host Jana Short speaks with Lydia Pattison and they discuss ways you can break habit driven behaviors for your diet and how your diet could be affecting your body.

What is your story of hope?…
