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Oh, My Health...There Is Hope!

Jul 29, 2023

Part 4: How can you help your mind to heal?


Muneeza is an Intuitive Medicine Woman® with a lifelong passion for healing. From childhood, she carried a medicine bag filled with imaginary remedies and herbs, offering them to those in need. Today, her medicine bag is real, filled with a blend of natural healing tools...

Jul 29, 2023

Part 3: How can you help your body to heal?


Muneeza is an Intuitive Medicine Woman® with a lifelong passion for healing. From childhood, she carried a medicine bag filled with imaginary remedies and herbs, offering them to those in need. Today, her medicine bag is real, filled with a blend of natural healing tools...

Jul 29, 2023

Part 2: What you can do today to turn your health around!


Muneeza is an Intuitive Medicine Woman® with a lifelong passion for healing. From childhood, she carried a medicine bag filled with imaginary remedies and herbs, offering them to those in need. Today, her medicine bag is real, filled with a blend of...

Jul 29, 2023

Part 1: What is really making you sick?


Muneeza is an Intuitive Medicine Woman® with a lifelong passion for healing. From childhood, she carried a medicine bag filled with imaginary remedies and herbs, offering them to those in need. Today, her medicine bag is real, filled with a blend of natural healing tools,...

Jul 22, 2023

Dr. Leita Harris, boldly breaks away from corporate medicine in an effort to empower her patients, using her expertise in bioidentical hormone and peptide therapy to give them the hope and value they deserve.


"Don't accept that these things, you can't do anything about these things, okay? You can restore, you can...