Jul 29, 2023
Part 3: How can you help your body to heal?
Muneeza is an Intuitive Medicine Woman® with a lifelong passion for healing. From childhood, she carried a medicine bag filled with imaginary remedies and herbs, offering them to those in need. Today, her medicine bag is real, filled with a blend of natural healing tools including herbs, minerals, homeopathy, and essential oils. Her calling to be a healer has been a constant throughout her life, and the simple act of helping others feel better brings her immense joy. Join us as we learn more about her journey to becoming a modern-day medicine woman and the healing powers of intuition and natural remedies.
So we are moving into a new paradigm that includes multidimensionality and magic.
This 30-minute episode is on:
How are healthy cells made?
What do we need to avoid for optimal health and to prevent sickness?
How did your dad's health impact your journey?
Get in touch with Muneeza:
Muneeza’s Free Offer: Healing Chronic Mystery Illnesss https://muneezaahmed.com/healing-chronic-mystery-and-autoimmune-illness/
Get in touch with Jana and listen to more
Show Music ‘Hold On’ by Amy Gerhartz: https://www.amygerhartz.com/music.
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